While Playing online we should able to resume the game for that particular day after getting disconnect either from bug or any other opponent internet problem
If resume game completes Then lost of disc and point revert back and finally
changes to online points according to resume game result
In this way we can know also opponent got disc intentionally or not as per he resumes game or not.
1 sec of internet disc will disconnect the game
As Iphone mode is to be released more possiblity of disconnection as wifi
or while traveling internet signal unavailable tends to disc internet and
finally game will disc
If resume game completes Then lost of disc and point revert back and finally
changes to online points according to resume game result
In this way we can know also opponent got disc intentionally or not as per he resumes game or not.
1 sec of internet disc will disconnect the game
As Iphone mode is to be released more possiblity of disconnection as wifi
or while traveling internet signal unavailable tends to disc internet and
finally game will disc