
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Childish Things Limited makes no warranty or representation in respect of any trademark. In particular Childish Things does not make any warranty or representation in relation to the names contained within this software product including without limitation the name of any player, stadium, competition, organisation or association ("Real World Data") all trademarks relating to which are the property of their respective owners. Real World Data is used descriptively and solely for the purposes of information regarding the sport of cricket and all such use is intended to be descriptive and incidental to the use of this software product.

No player, club, competition, association or organisation endorses or is associated or connected with this software product in any way and Childish Things make no representation of any such endorsement, association or connection.

No image or likeness of any player, club, competition, association or organisation is used in this site and any similarity with any graphical element of this site is co-incidental.

All statistics contained within the Real World Data are researched or computer generated and intended to be fair. They are not intended to be and should not be relied upon or considered a true reflection of the abilities or performances of any individual player, club or competition but a computerised interpretation of data given to it or generated by it.

In the event that any player, club, association, competition or organisation objects to its, his or her inclusion in this site as Real World Data or the content of any Real World Data they should notify us by email via the support page whereupon Childish Things shall act appropriately in connection with legitimate concerns.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Childish Things have used reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

This game is not endorsed by any sporting organisation, competition, club, stadium or player.